Thursday, 13 September 2012

Fisherman's Greedy Wife..

Once upon a time in the faraway land there lived a fisherman named John on the banks of a river in his small shack. He lived there with his wife. Now, the fisherman was a nice person, happy with his work & content with his life, he used to get up early in the morning, sail in is small boat to the middle of the river & catch some fish in the strong net which he had made himself & then head to the market place to sell them. He was poor but earned enough money for two square meals. He had also cultivated some vegetables required for his household in a small piece of land besides his shack & used to make money by selling the excess yield. He was happy with his life, but his wife was a very greedy woman, she always kept complaining no matter what & was very lazy too. She never helped John either in catching fish or in the farm, but wanted to grow rich & lead a life of luxury.  She always kept nagging him for new clothes & jewellery, but poor John couldn’t afford it all. He used to explain to her that if they work hard they will grow rich one day & she used to rudely answer, “I don’t want to work hard & ruin my beauty & look ugly when I grow rich.” John kept on doing all the work while his wife dream't about richness.