Once upon a time in a faraway land there was a farmer, named Phil. Now Phil had a small farm in which he had planted all sorts of fruits & flowers, he lived on the farm in a cute little cottage covered with wild flowers with his wife. Phil was a very hardworking, kind & gentle person & so was his wife, she always helped him on the farm. Adjoining to their farm was a farm bigger than Phil's, owned by a shrewd, cunning & greedy farmer named Bill. Bill was very lazy & always used to hatch some plans to get rich by some unscrupulous means.
In the midst of Phil's farm there was a giant banyan tree which was home to many different birds, Phil & his wife daily fed them with grains & water, the birds also were kind to them in return, they never pecked any fruit from Phil's farm & never destroyed the produce, but Bill always kept on complaining about the birds to Phil & used to threaten that he would cut down the tree. Phil always persuaded him not to do so & tried to make him understand that if the tree is chopped down the birds would have no home at all & there were little ones of the birds in their nests.